To this day, I still remember the tables I did homework at or the tables my huge family sat at for dinners. I want the people I work with to have the same opportunities for themselves and their own growing families. The pieces I create mostly out of reclaimed materials are all unique. I want the families I work with to have pieces of furniture that they can create memories around. I want the furniture I create to withstand many more generations to come.

About Alexandra

As a child growing up, I was always into crafting and creating. I must say my favorite store was craft stores as a kid. Growing up with an older brother also motivated me to keep up with him; not being afraid of dirt, being tough, and not wanting to fit into the mold of a “little sister.” In middle school and high school, I jumped on the opportunity to take Drafting & Design, Welding, and Wood shop. I loved the feeling that a girl could do just as good if not better at a class that was male dominated.

As a few years passed, I never really did much with carpentry. I was taking an interest in business, knowing that I wanted to be a boss of my own business one day. However, at this point, I had no idea what I wanted to do.

In 2014, needing a dining room table for my own house, but not having a budget of $3,000 for the table I wanted; the light bulb went off. Some people told me that I wouldn’t be able to build a table, and that’s exactly the motivation I needed. I found tools, bought supplies, and before I knew it, an eight- foot reclaimed wood dining table was in front of me. From that moment, I knew what my business was but more importantly I learned that I wasn’t going to let anyone talk me out of doing something I was passionate about, even if they don’t believe I can accomplish it.

I want to thank everyone that has supported me and who has chosen me to create something beautiful for your own home or living spaces. If you have stumbled upon my work, I hope you continue to follow my journey. I also hope I can inspire you to go after your own dreams and to prove the people wrong, who thought you didn’t have it in you.


Alexandra Piccolomini

My first table at 19 years old

My first table at 19 years old